Tuesday, February 5, 2013

No more complaining!

I have this really great idea (or really crazy depending on how you look at it). I want to give up complaining for an entire day! That may seem simple but I know me and I don't think it will be simple at all. I'll take it one day at a time and see how it goes with my extended goal being a week!

I've decided to do this for a couple of reasons, besides the fact that Jon just gave me a hard time for having a bad attitude last night. I was recently called as our ward's women's athletic director (AFTER volleyball season!) and as such I am responsible for getting together a basketball team. Several women signed up but only one or two showed up, forcing us to forfeit. I feel obligated to play since not many women show up and I was dubbed the coach by default (I don't even know how to play let alone coach it!). Last night I moaned and groaned about going and Jon called me out. I ended up going and I was the only one from my ward to show up! Since my team and another ward's team have both forfeit twice we are now suppose to combine and just have open gym. By the way, no one from the other team we were suppose to combine with showed up either. So I joined up with the only team that did show up and we split up the team. I actually (and surprisingly) didn't do that bad and I even kind of sort of had fun.

So, I know I complain too much and I know it's very annoying to Jon even though he never says anything (he's a saint), except for last night. Not so much because he couldn't take it anymore (well maybe) but I think more because as my other half he's suppose to help me be my best. So that's one big reason. Especially since Jon has to (gets to) be with me for eternity. Another reason is because of what my relief society president said in this month's newsletter:

"With the new year well under way, it is time to reflect on what is important and maybe some changes or goals that we can make for ourselves. The recent stake women's conference made me realize how special our sisterhood is and how we can make a difference in the lives of those we come in contact with. I appreciate all of you and the spirits that you have. I look forward to Sunday and the other meetings that we have together because of how good you make me feel. I know that the more we seek after good things in our lives, the more we will want more good things, the same goes for bad or evil things. We actually have the power to invite the spirit of our Heavenly Father into our lives by the choices that we make and the things that we surround ourselves with.
I challenge each of us to make one choice for good in our lives, whether it be reading the scriptures more, praying more intently, or just doing more acts of kindness for others. When we are inspired to do something we need to act on that inspiration because we never know the prayers that are being offered for the Lord for help."

I had already decided I wanted to do this challenge before reading her words but it just solidified my resolution to do so. Now I feel as if I were inspired to do it. I've always prayed that I would try to be a better person (especially a better wife) but that's always right before bed and then go figure life begins again the next day and I forget that I was gonna try harder. So I'm finally going to do something, take action, or in this case NOT complain.

Wish me luck, I'm going to start tomorrow! I will report on how I do...

Oh and in case you were wondering, I tried my first green smoothie this morning. I found a bunch of recipes on Pinterest and from friends/family and they were all way different so I thought I would just wing it. If I can remember correctly I put a little bit of spinach, kale and romaine lettuce. Some frozen peas, part of an apple, half of an orange, half of a small tomato, and some whole milk. The picture I took was before I tried it. I ended up having to strain it because it was so pulpy but afterwards it was actually quite tasty (or at least not gaggy). I could probably handle drinking a similar concoction each morning for the benefits.

1 comment:

nathalia said...

Marc misses your volleyball enthusiasm! And I'm sure next year they'll pick up on your V-ball skills.

I'm SO with you on needing to make this goal. I'm a nagger + a complainer! Bah! Such a great post. I love how you're starting off this year!!!