Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We're movin' out!

We have decided its finally time to move out of our parents' and into our own place. We found an apartment we both really like in Sumner, WA. Sumner is a small town with only one ward, low crime rates and lots of parks. In fact, there is a park directly across the street from our 4-plex. There is a station for the Sounder commuter train about a mile from us so Jon will walk to that each morning for work. We both feel really good about living in this area and I'm super excited to be on our own again. 

Now that we have an apartment and a move in date of June 1 we need to get our stuff out of storage in Maryland and into our new place. It's bittersweet because now that we are actually bringing our stuff back to the west coast it means we'll be here for a while and won't be going back to the east coast for a while (maybe a long while). I loved our time in the DC area and I hope that one day we'll be able to move back (and that our awesome friends will still be there). But for now I'm just glad that we are settling down somewhere for a while, no more unknown. 

Because we are moving out AND shipping our stuff home from MD we have to wait on getting a new (to us) car. We took our car into the shop for a much needed tune up before we took a 3 hour trip to eastern Washington. Well, turned out that the car needed more than just a tune up, more like $2300 worth of more than just a tune up! The car isn't even worth that much, to me. It's hard to decide what's most important when it needs ALL new brakes and rotors, it has a cracked front axel, as well as needing new spark plugs and wires. There are several major oil leaks and many other fixes that I don't even remember because there's not much I can do about it anyway. Jon doesn't seem to be too concerned about the safety of driving it, for now. We both agree that it's probably a money pot and not worth fixing, at least completely. I think we're going to get the brakes fixed and decide from there. Oh and the timing belt is so tight and oil is leaking on it that if it gets too hot then It'll just snap. Did I mention we've been having beautiful 70-80 degree weather lately?

The good news, we're moving out! It's been in the 70-80's lately and will be for the next week. Someday in the not too distant future I will be getting a minivan! :)

He's just cute :)


These boys need a haircut!