Saturday, March 12, 2011

iPhone Pics, Old to New

This picture was taken in November when Judah was 3 months old and still had all of his hair! This kid would always sleep with his mouth open, he doesn't as much any more.

Aw, he was so little just 3 months ago. Daddy getting down to his level... I think he was trying to encourage him to lift his head up but Judah was being kind of lazy.

This is still in November and Judah was just starting to kind of giggle, I thought it was the cutest thing ever! Remember these pics are taken with my phone so they aren't very clear.

This picture was taken in December when we went to Utah for Christmas. Judah was 4 months old and just starting to play with his toes and it was his new favorite thing (of course I also thought this was the cutest thing EVER!). Notice: he still has all that long stringy hair.

This picture was taken in January when Judah was then 5 months old and my sister, Keri, came to visit from Washington (state). She has Judah dressed in this awful velvet outfit that my Grandma had mentioned that she just loved. Obviously he never wore it again after this picture (blah!). Notice: Judah's hair is now choppy and uneven haha.

These next few pictures were taken in January as well. We tried to swoop Judah's hair to the side so it wouldn't look as choppy... it was pretty bad.

Taking a nap with mom.
Watching TV with dad.
This picture was taken in February when Judah was 6 months old and we flew to Seattle to visit my family (and Jon's). His hair is starting to grow back a little.
Judah is relaxing in my mom's bathroom sink, awesome bedhead in the back.
Meeting his cousins for the first time.

Hanging out with my brother, Darin, the night before we left to go back home to DC.

This was when we were waiting in the airport at St. Louis for their computer system to start working again before we could get on our flight to go home. Notice: Judah's hair short again but not as choppy... my sister cut it this time and did some touch up work.

This picture was taken in March, just in the car on a sunny day.

I'm not sure if he's crying because I made him wear a BYU shirt or because I put him on his tummy. He can roll from his tummy to his back and kind of the other way as well.

I realize I am also wearing a BYU shirt, but mine is from BYU-Hawaii.

Judah just started pushing up onto his hands the day we left for Seattle so when we got home he was getting pretty good at it.

He also started to learn to sit up pretty well, which is getting better at too (as long as I have a hand close by to catch him when he tumbles).

He's just cute in this pic :) These pics were all taken in March.

This is the morning we left to go to Amish country.
We just bought him shoes to keep his feet warm.
We stopped at Wendy's while out touring Amish country. It was so cute to watch Judah watch Jon as he ate his frosty.

Of course Jon enjoyed it in front of him.
Haha that kid cracks me up.
He really looks interested... I admit we teased him a little because it was just so darn cute.

He never got upset though.

Random pic on our way to Philly "Sweets for Sweeties"

We got our Philly cheese steaks at Jim's... mmm mmm mmm they were delicious!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Final Family Get Together in Seattle

Before Judah and I left to go back home to the other side of the country we had one last get together, this time with my brother Darin and his family. This is his little girl, Taygen. She turned 3 on Valentines Day and is the cutest little princess with the sweetest personality.
Here she is playing with my brother David's little boy, Jonah, who will be 2 years old at the end of May.
Taygen hasn't seen me a whole lot since I haven't lived in the area much since she was born but her parents are so good at familiarizing her with pictures and quizzing her in the car on the way that you would think I was her favorite aunt! Haha, she is such a sweetheart!
My brothers, David on the left and Darin on the right. I have another brother, Danny who lives in NY.
My mom and Darin's wife, Heather on the right, with Heather's oldest daughter, Taylor in the middle. Taylor is a total gem and so outgoing and friendly.
Celebrating Taygen's 3rd birthday!
Dora the Explorer cake!
Taygen was so cute with Judah. She's so photogenic and loved taking pictures with people. Judah was like, eh.
Judah relaxing on Uncle Darin's lap. It was well past his bedtime but there was no putting him to bed while everyone was still there!

Taygen getting her birthday massage from Grandma in the massage room... so cute!
After Darin and Heather and the girls went home we decided to Skype Grandma and Grandpa Newman in Arizona.
My dad had blown up a bunch of pink balloons so we could have a party and Jonah seemed to really enjoy them. I didn't get a picture of it but Taygen loved to throw the balloons in the air and yell happy birthday!! It was so fun!
Resting on the balloons. Also not shown is Jonah sitting on the balloons while David would pop it and Jonah falling to his bum in laughter!
Judah getting all his giggles out with Nana before bed.
We had so much fun spending time with family and getting to see everyone. I miss them and wish we could see them more often........ there's a futon always available at our house for anyone that wants to visit.