Saturday, June 18, 2011

Judah over the last couple of months

Jon is reading to Judah, trying to teach him his first words.

We had a gorgeous day so Judah and I went swimming with Wendy. This is Judah's new face that he likes to make.
Fun in the sun!
He had so much fun with his Aunt Wendy.
He kept trying to take his hat off, even though it looked SO cute on him!
He could of at least smiled.
As you probably noticed in the previous pictures, Judah got his hair cut. Not only is it currently shorter but it is also sooo much lighter, and getting lighter! You can see here how long his hair used to be.
My cutie hanging out in a box while I pack for Seattle!
Thanks to Uncle Danny and Aunt April we have this cool high chair to feed Judah now. He obviously thinks he rules this place as you can see by his posture.
Such beautiful flowers! We went with Jon to campus one day to get out of the house and it was a gorgeous day!
This is Judah's friend, June. She enjoys sitting on him haha. He doesn't seem to mind.
Except for when he's really tired haha.
And when she takes his binky from him.