Sunday, March 10, 2013

"I wanna hold Asher. Take a picture!"

Judah will every once in a while ask to hold Asher and I guess I have conditioned him to want to have his picture taken because he always says "take a picture!" I love it because I want to take a picture anyway, and if he wants it then he's more likely to hold still for the picture... more likely but it's not a guarantee.

I think it's funny that Asher is so big he nearly squishes Judah. And I love that Judah loves his little brother. Sometimes he'll say "hello little brother". Or just keep saying baby baby baby in a real sweet high pitched voice. I can't wait for them to be able to play together... except that I can wait for Asher to crawl and then walk and get into everything (although I wouldn't mind not having to hold the chunk so much, my back could use the break!).

These are the most recent pictures I've taken when Judah asked to hold Asher.

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