Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The THINGS that go into Judah's mouth

Judah seems to be orally fixated, and has been for as long as he's been alive (15 months tomorrow). He has always enjoyed his binky but that doesn't seem to be enough. He's the kind of kid that likes to put everything into his mouth, and I mean everything! I try to document as much as I can the things that go in, so here are just a few...

He's pretty good at getting balls in that I would think are too big for his mouth. Here he is shoving a golf ball in, he would crawl around everywhere carrying this golf ball in his mouth.

Just hanging out with dad, with one of his cars hanging out of his mouth.

Here we have yet another ball.

Imagine that, another ball. But this one of course is shaped different, being a football and all.

Of course a bib goes in the mouth.

Now, I'm surprised I haven't been able to get a picture with these beads in his mouth because they are OFTEN hanging from his teeth. But at least you can see the beads and imagine, I'm sure I'll get one later.

A lid.

This is Little Pim, one of his stuffed animals. He loves Little Pim!

One of his socks, I hope it's clean (not that he would care).

Yet another car, while trying to lift his Tonka truck.

A baby dolls arm.

And then the poor baby doll's head (hahahaha!)

The antenna of his awesome phone!

A bouncy ball.

And the wrong end of a doll's bottle (not that any milk actually comes out anyway, so he doesn't care which end is in his mouth).

I love my little boy, he makes life entertaining for me :)

1 comment:

J and M said...

LOL! I'm amazed at the size of those different objects that can fit in his mouf!