Sunday, December 27, 2009

Home to Seattle for Christmas

Apparently this is the first snow in several years in Sacramento. I'm not sure why but it seems like everywhere I go that area has bizarre weather that is unusual for them.

I'm just glad it was light and didn't last very long, but the kids had fun while it lasted.

It also got unusually cold in the Sacramento area this winter so the Hanson kids would come over to our place and wrap in blankets near Doak's dog bed so they could all cuddle.

Jon and I drove the 12 hours or so to Seattle for Christmas.

My birthday is the day after Christmas so we got went bowling with friends and family. David came with Jonah, he was getting very tired so he just relaxed against me.

My brother David, and his baby boy Jonah and me.

He's a great daddy.

We were so happy to get to spend some time with our friends Kelly and Erich Winkler, as well as Jon's sister Wendy.

Oh and also Jon's brother Jeff.

This is Christmas at my GrandMarie and Grandpa Bill Sessions' house.

My sister Keri and I have the same iPhone with the same pink covers, I've had mine a little longer so I was showing her what she can do with it.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Friends & Family.... and dog

We went to IHOP for our nephew, Cole's, birthday. Here shown is Isabelle, Jeff, Jon, and Wendy.

Jon's little brother, Jeff.

We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory with our friends, Erich and Kelly Winkler. The guys were watching some basketball or football game while we were waiting to be seated.

We found out from the Hanson kids that apparently Doak likes to jump on the trampoline. So we let him jump around with us.

Jon had a great time trying to bounce Doak really high.

Doak is funny :)